1. Small air bubbles appear in the whole glass: check the working condition of the vacuum pump and the vacuum degree of the vacuum gauge, and check the sealing degree of the vacuum bag and whether the airway is blocked.


2. Bubbles appear in the middle of the glass: the airway drainage and drainage have not been properly treated.


3. Bubbles appear around the glass: If the high temperature heating time is too long, the high temperature holding time should be shortened.


4. Fog appears around the glass, accompanied by air bubbles in serious cases: check the dryness of the glass, the dryness of the cover cloth, and the dryness of the EVA film (pay attention to baking or prolong the holding time of the low-temperature section).


5. Uniform mist appears on the entire surface of the glass: it is necessary to extend the heat preservation time of the high temperature section; or the film has quality problems (except ordinary transparent film).


6. White mist appears in the middle of the glass, accompanied by air bubbles in severe cases: the reason for this problem is that the glass or film is wet or there are water droplets.


7. There are long strips of large bubbles or bubble bands in the glass: it is caused by uneven tempered glass, and the film needs to be thickened, or two pieces of glass with good fit should be selected when assembling.


8. When tempering and laminating, you should pay attention to pairing and tempering when tempering the glass, and keep the curvature consistent (try to put the two pieces of glass to be laminated at the same position for tempering, and the direction must be the same; punching, opening, special-shaped Pay special attention to the glass.)


9. When laminating two pieces of different types of tempered glass (such as 8mm 5mm, tempered white glass tempered tea glass, ordinary float glass tempered glass, etc.), it is necessary to choose a film of sufficient thickness.


10. When tiles are laminated with glass, polished tiles should be used, and the tiles should be dried and waxed.

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